Puru smoker
Rugby std 6 & 7, Hockey 8-10, extra-mural squash
Running, cycling, squash, gym, hiking and tennis when I can.
Dip Th (3 yr), BA (Unisa) in Classical Hebrew, Koine Greek and Church History
Happily married to Bev for, let me think now, 22 years. Monogamy highly recommended.
Randburg RSA
Four, plus three grand children. All still in SA.
I co-pastor the English Reformed Church (www.erc.org.za), which runs some book shops (www.goodneighbours.org.za). I am a trustee and facilitator at John Wycliffe Theological College (www.wycliffe.edu) training pastors. I run three small medical businesses to earn a living. All this together with Jim Wright.
Manual stuff in the garage/ workshop. Car maintenance. Anything military. Walking dogs.
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I look back on my years at PBHS with thankfulness. It was through the SCA that the Lord had mercy on me and I became a follower of Christ. Made one life-long friend, Jim Wright, and glad to meet up with many others more recently. I actually use the Latin Klev taught us, and try to improve it. There was much about public schooling that I did not like (mostly due to own foolishness), and ended up home-schooling our own kids. Learned stuff, thanks to the patience of the many good teachers. Sport Now: Running, cycling, squash, gym, hiking and tennis when I can.
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